Gummy Bear
Gummy Bears (and other shapes) have become an extremely popular delivery method for a wide variety of products.

Gummies & Gummy Bear Packaging
The packaging industry has seen extreme growth in the area of gummies during recent years. A lot of businesses that have been heavy in supplements and vitamins are now shifting to gummies. With this shift, CSA has built our capabilities to handle any volume and level of service for these needs.
How We Package Gummies
Similar to traditional supplements and snacks, gummies can be packed in bottles, jars, pouches and individual packs. Our team has the complete capabilities to utilize and package in any of the above bottling and packing options.
Compliance & Quality Control
Our plant is SQF level 3 and in full compliance with CFR 111. We have technology and equipment to handle sugared gummies, oily gummies and dry gummies. Environmental controls are taken very seriously and CSA monitors all environmental factors in real time 24/7 in production as well as storage.
Similar & Extended Capabilities
In addition to just gummies and gummy bear packaging, CSA specializes in a wide variety of secondary packaging and manufacturing options in related verticals:
Appetite control
Fruit boosters
Vegetable boosters
Many others